The true value of Architecture design is beyond drawings,
That is the system we coordinate and bring better effect to project.
Because the Client needs true building with good operation in cost optimization


“Short life,
people just go through this life as bright streaks and disappear, permanently.
Only your Architecture still tells more about the heritage story”

hỉnh ảnh cây thốt nốt mọc giữa trời ý nghĩa nhân văn từ cây thốt nốt


I’m an architect with about 10 years of experience and the opportunity to participate in many diverse projects.
By accumulating knowledge about “management and development design” and “design project management”, I have defined my own capacity in terms of:

– Management and coordination with design consultants, to improve design quality.

– Actively coordinate disciplines to control design conflicts.

– Optimal the design budget and design schedule.

– Coordinate with specialized departments in each project phase.

With a positive working spirit and a desire to improve work efficiency,
I hope to have the opportunity to accompany you for complete upcoming projects beyond expectations.

Control design conflicts
Design coordination
Optimize construction design


In my opinion, the design project development process is a process of updating and optimizing continuous coordination to achieve effective construction through each stage:

And other coordination works to improve design quality and project progress within the approved budget.


Model of construction project development to meet market products

Thuy Pham

When we produce a commercial product, be it: a shirt, a phone, a house or a yacht, etc., it all has the same core thing as “products for sale". That product needs to meet the [...]

Interesting startup story of Luu Bang

Thuy Pham

I have had free time recently, so I have been practicing Chinese historical films. Seeing that he was interested in the exciting story of starting a business to win the world of Han King Luu [...]

The role of the Design Manager in construction projects

Thuy Pham

The design manager title is now used quite commonly; the specific role of design manager “manager” is also quite broad depending on the industry or product to be designed, even in the construction design industry. [...]

Construction Design Information Management System

Thuy Pham

During the development of construction projects, design information is constantly updated, so the most important thing is the correct release of data and synchronous updates to the implementing departments. Potential risks of design changes. Changing [...]

Typical apartment layout design

Thuy Pham

Deciding factors for the design of the apartment The process of studying the design of a high-rise building is often determined by a typical floor. 3 typical plans include: Basement – Podium (service zone) – [...]

Design brief of Construction project

Thuy Pham

The design brief (design mission) is the “compass” of the project’s design direction. If the compass points in the wrong direction, the whole project will… go far away. the compass if pointing in too many [...]

Full name:  PHAM HUU THUY

Birth year: 1987

Home town:  Quảng Bình

Experience:  About 10 Years


Architecture design Manager | Design project development @phamhuuthuy


Other skills support the job:

IT Literacy: 

kỹ năng phần mềm kiến trúc
Architecture software
System management skills
Team building
Communication skills
Create goal and motivation
Chuyên gia kiến trúc, chuyên gia quản lý thiết kế dự án xây dựng, chuyên gia phát triển thiết kế xây dựng



Remote Jobs and remote architect opportunities.


Since COVID-19 emerged, It takes more than 250 million job vacancy postings across five English-speaking countries and we can easily find out which locations and sectors are showing the fastest growth in remote jobs. Remote [...]

Architectural News


“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us” Winston Churchill Sir Winston Churchill said in his speech to the meeting in the House of Lords, on October 28, 1943, requesting that the House of Commons [...]

Remote architect job


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Knowledge and experience participating in construction projects from design to construction and desire to continuously develop professionally.

“The design developer” is a person who understands the process of designing, building, installing, and operating a project.
Using skills and enthusiasm combined into a construction system adds more value to the project.